ArcSIE News, March 16, 2010


New Versions of ArcSIE (10.001, 9.3.501, and 9.2.501) Released


Now you can download these new versions from

It took much longer time and more resource than expected to create ArcSIE 10, which works with ArcGIS 10, and it's still a beta. It has not been tested if it works well with the Service Pack 1 of ArcGIS 10.

In terms of functionality, these three new versions are synchronized. This may also be the last time that 9.2 and 9.3 are updated, unless there are strong demands for them.

Major highlights on functionality include (compared with 9.x.404, the versions NRCS approved about a year ago):

1. The vectorization tool now can take and preserve user-predefined boundaries, which eases the process of merging adjacent maps.

2. The sliver-removing tool now has more options. Particularly, the user can specify to restrict the removing process to certain values, which can be used to preserve user-predefined boundaries between major regions (e.g, geologic types).

3. The Inference Engine now allows new environmental features to be added to an existing rulebase or casebase by adding a new env data layer to the env database - thanks Lynn Loomis for reporting this issue (see ArcSIE User Forum in

4. In ArcSIE 10, the vectorization can run multiple times in a row without having to re-start ArcMap. ESRI fixed some problems in ArcObjects.

Besides the above, the new versions contain a brand new Knowledge Disoverer for map updating. It is still in the test mode and no manual is available yet. The developer is intensively working on it. If you are curious about
it, please contact the developer with