ArcSIE News, March 21, 2013


NRCS 2013 ArcSIE Training Was Held in Amherst, MA

A Digital Soil Mapping with ArcSIE training session was presented March 19-21, 2013 at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, MA. A class of 13 participants representing 10 states learned how to utilize raster data, fuzzy classification and knowledge based mapping techniques with the ArcGIS extension, ArcSIE.


Partnership with Dr. Xun Shi, SIE LLC, along with NRCS employees Bob Long, Jessica Philippe, Tom D’Avello, and Zamir Libohova provided instruction on using the tool to develop inferential soil maps. These techniques and tools will be important for current and future soil survey efforts, including the Soil data join recorrelation effort.


In the past three years, about 40 NRCS soil scientists from 25 states received formal training on ArcSIE. These states include AK, CA, CO, CT, FL, HI, ID, IL, KS, MA, MD, ME, MO, MT, NC, ND, NH, NV, NY, OK, OH, TX, UT, WV, and WY.


"This training was really excellent; I think it's one of the best technical trainings I've attended in my 6 years as a soil scientist with NRCS. I highly recommend maintaining and prioritizing this training for soil scientists, and also have nothing but compliments for the training cadre. Jess, Bob, Tom, and Xun were all excellent lecturers and provided very useful feedback while we worked on assignments during class." a participant of this year's training commented.

(By Tom D’Avello and Xun Shi)




(Photographed by Xun Shi)